If you're wondering what the hell is different from the last photo, I've been working on the upper left area to counter the dominant spew guy in the bottom right corner.
The white areas with the veins were pretty intense so I pushed it back a bit with a layer of gold paint. Some olive green was added to slightly darken other areas. The shape in the upper left is like a space invader. It was an intuitive response, so I'm still figuring it out. I think it's the computer connection. Video and Internet. Since the painting is about MySpace and the acquiring of unknown friends, the idea of space invaders as they descend on you seemed like an interesting parallel. The character is done in florescent spray paint. Next to it is a printout of an old Chinese anatomical drawing. I think the last thing I'll do before I can say this painting is finished is add some white around the space invader character to balance that area out, but we'll see, I still need to sit with it. Stay tuned.
Below is a detail of the Chinese drawing and the florescent paint. Note the bricks!