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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Installed the Work

Drove to SF today in sunny weather. Much nicer than the day the art movers came! Jack and I installed all the work and to see Runt on the wall was very cool. If you're in the city I hope you'll stop in to see the exhibit. It'll be up till Dec. 4.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paintings Headed for NY

The art shipper came today, in the rain and wind, to pick up two paintings for the traveling exhibit Infinite Mirror. First stop Syracuse, N.Y. I was the last stop and it was a packed truck as you can see by the photo. Coco even made the shippers see the art in her room.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Paintings in Progress

I should be finishing the paintings that I've already started, but I got into this one and will show it next week in SF. The top and bottom are different sizes so there is about a 3 to 4 inch difference on the left. The top is panel and the bottom is canvas. Still in progress.

This is also in progress, but should be finished by the weekend.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Goin to Jack Fischer's

These are 2 completed paintings that I just finished. Both are 40 x 50 inches. Acrylic on canvas.